ranging equipment中文什么意思

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  1. It allows you to hit harder with ranged equipment
  2. The grid is a set of newly technique that be constructed on the internet , it merges high - speed internet , high performance calculator , large database , sensors , the long range equipments into a whole , and provide more resource , functions and alternations to technological personnel and ordinary user . there are three principles to measure whether a system can be called grid or not , 1 ) coordinates resources that are not subject to centralized control ; 2 ) using standard , open , general - purpose protocols and interfaces ; 3 ) to deliver nontrivial qualities of service . a system which strictly meet the above three principles can be called grid . rid architecture includes the fabric layer - - local resources interfaces ; connectivity layer - - manage communications ; resource layer - - sharing a single resource ; pool layer - - correspond resources ; application layer ? self - definition grid application . it defined the basic construction of grid , the function and purpose of the architecture , and how to alternate these components do . in the domestic and international grid research and applied realm , digital libraries have played a pivotal role


  1. ranging computer 什么意思
  2. ranging console 什么意思
  3. ranging data 什么意思
  4. ranging device 什么意思
  5. ranging distance 什么意思
  6. ranging error 什么意思
  7. ranging from share options 什么意思
  8. ranging from tens to thousands of yuan 什么意思
  9. ranging ir-system 什么意思
  10. ranging laser 什么意思


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